@inproceedings {10.2312:pgv.20231081, booktitle = {Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization}, editor = {Bujack, Roxana and Pugmire, David and Reina, Guido}, title = {{FunMC^2: A Filter for Uncertainty Visualization of Marching Cubes on Multi-Core Devices}}, author = {Wang, Zhe and Athawale, Tushar M. and Moreland, Kenneth and Chen, Jieyang and Johnson, Chris R. and Pugmire, David}, year = {2023}, publisher = {The Eurographics Association}, ISSN = {1727-348X}, ISBN = {978-3-03868-215-8}, DOI = {10.2312/pgv.20231081} }